The new Congress opens, with GOP controlling the House and Democrats running the Senate
Mass die-offs of birds, crabs, fish across globe alarming scientists, observers
Whither progressivism in the United States from hereout?
After a lifetime of activism, Jean Quan takes office as Oakland's new mayor
Scholar bowdlerizes Huck Finn, changing n-word to slave
Michael Berubé on how conservatives have adopted postmodernism to ill ends
The very rich are very, very different from you and me (or maybe just me)
Republican Allen West joins Congressional Black Caucus, Tim Scott will not
Curtis Mayfield, blackness, autonomy, and resistance
Ivory Coast deadlocked, violence escalates, as Gbagbo refuses to concede
Is Sudan on the verge of a split into Muslim North, oil-rich Christian South?
And, as a bit of lagniappe, a rare random photo:
FRS workers' electric slide outside of the Apple Store, 14th St., NY |
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